Duke Ellington once said that there are only two types of music: good and bad. I agree wholeheartedly and believe that it is important to keep an open mind to all kinds of music. It often becomes most interesting when the borders between styles become more unclear. However, for the sake of this discussion and teaching a certain level qualification and classification of music is useful. I teach all kinds of styles and have a broad interest and background in playing them all with diverse bands. Here are some of the main ones:
Rock / Pop
I consider this to be an umbrella-concept for all kinds of sub-styles ranging from heavy-metal, grunge, punk, hard rock, funk, soul, hiphop, R&B, Neo-soul, drum'n bass, reggae, triphop, fusion jazz to disco etc. This is also what is mostly considered popular music and the bass function here is most often fulfilled by the electric bass. I have heard, transcribed, and taught great music with terrific bass-players from all of these styles. I am comfortable teaching you the history and tradition of these great bass players. Most importantly I will be able to give you the tools and technique that you need to play the style that you love and develop your own taste.
Jazz Double Bass
I had the privilege of studying jazz double bass with John Goldsby - a wonderful all-round player and one of the best in Europe. I have studied the jazz tradition, contemporary players and enjoy exploring the borders of jazz with classical music, music from different cultures, pop and rock. If you are a beginner, intermediate player, plan to study music or a professional electric bass-player looking to improve his chops on the double bass I am sure I can help you reach your goals. For students who want to learn jazz and fusion there are certain harmonic concepts you will need to know and practice if you want to master this music. However, again - this is not rocket science and with the right approach and some practice this is easier than you might think.
I have taught many students the basics of playing with the bow and classical music. I use the bow daily in my practice routine and enjoy playing etudes and standard classical repertoire. I can teach you until the level of advanced player and get you ready for a college education. We will start by building a solid bowing technique and going through the positions. For this I use some basic books that have a fun and entertaining way of getting to know the instrument, Eventually, we can progress to classic etudes by Franz Simandl, works from Capuzzi, Eccles, Zimmermann and even play music by Bottesini, Bach or von Dittersdorf.